
[English Below]

カリフォルニア州、レディング市のベテル教会は、普通の教会、普通のクリスチャンが用いられている現代リバイバルの代表的な一例です。1992年以来、神の御力とその臨在が彼らの内に、また彼らの働きを通して激しく臨んでいます。ビ ル・ジョンソン主任牧師の舵取りにより、ベテル教会は神様との親しい愛の関係を深め、神の力を彼らの生き方を通してこの世に現し、彼らの行く先々、世界の果てはてまでも、神の御国をもたらしています。
ONFIRE JAPANは、NHCNのミニストリーの一つで、ベテル教会を初めとする世界中で神がなされている御業を、少しでも多く日本の教会に伝えるため、出版やメッセージの翻訳、集会・トレーニングセミナー、また海外のチームを歓迎し、日本各地へ派遣する奉仕をしています。


Jesse & Jessica Cupp夫妻との特別集会
When: 11月2日(金)   7:00pm 〜
Where:西宮市 勤労会館:第8会議室(4階)
阪神西宮駅から東に徒歩 7分、JR西ノ宮駅から南西に徒歩 7分
Kids’ Program:小学生対象の子供のプログラムを用意しています。大人と同じように、主との親しい関係や聖霊の働きを紹介し、励まします。

詳しいお問合せ: mail@onfire.jp

Jesse and Jessica Cupp - Japan Visit and Special Meeting

We have had many teams and speakers from Bethel Church and elsewhere over the last few years, and will soon be gearing up to host another BSSM (Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry) team in Spring 2013.
The team leaders for the 2013 trip are Jesse & Jessica Cupp, who have both been to Japan before on several occasions and have a strong heart for blessing Japan.
They will be visiting Japan at the end of October in preparation for bringing the team next year.

Our heart (and the heart of the folks at Bethel) has always been building relationship and we would like to put out the invitation for you to meet up with them in an informal way, talk about your heart for Japan, and see if there is any way we can serve one another in the future.

They will be here in the Kansai/Osaka area from Sat Oct 27 to Tue Nov 6th (Jessica will leave a little earlier)
Please let us know if there is a particular time that might suit to meet up.

As well as private meetings, we may also arrange a time and a place in a central location and just make that open for people.
In either case, please let us know:

1. If you are interested in meeting up
2. What days/times you might be able to meet
3. If you have any church meetings that you would like to invite them to minister at.

We will try our best to see things come together!

And please also keep in mind the team visit Spring 2013 which is tentatively scheduled between March 27 and April 17.


Jesse Cupp is a third year graduate from Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry in Redding, CA where he interned with Steve Backlund in Global Legacy. He is currently an itinerant revivalist serving as a Regional Catalyst for Global Legacy and the revival movement abroad. He and his beautiful wife, Jessica, have a heart for revival and kingdom expansion. Their ministry is primarily focused on liberating, empowering, and activating the Church in the radical love, glory, and gifts of God. Their two greatest passions are encountering the glory of God and helping churches thrive so the local body can bring regional transformation.  Jesse and Jessica also have a special place in their heart for strengthening pastors and leaders. They are based in Redding, CA.


When:Friday November 2nd, 7:00pm 〜

Nishinomiya City Workers' Building (Nishinomiya Kinro Kaikan), 4F conference room #8,
2-37 Matsubara-cho, Nishinomiya
Please check the map.

Access by car: 
Car park available, but if it is full then please use the Nishinomiya City Hall parking lot;
Access by train:
7 minutes walk east from Hanshin Nishinomiya Station
7 minutes walk to the southwest from JR Nishinomiya

Kids' Program: A kids' program for 6 year olds and above will be running simultaneously. Children will be taught similar content regarding relationship with the Lord, being filled with the Holy Spirit and stepping out in gifts of the Holy Spirit.

For more information: